The Present Is:

The Experience Itself......not the thought triggered by or associated with the experience. The Pure Flow of Biological Information......that comes into our bodies through our senses. This is how we experience the present. The Space Between Our Thoughts...The average person has between 65,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day. 90% we had yesterday. 95% are of no benefit to us. The mind can't be in two places at once, if the mind is in the present, it cannot be off in thought. You can't be thinking and in the present at the same time. That's why presence opens up the space between our thoughts.

Being Present Rids Us Of: Worry, Anxiety, Impatience, Frustration, Boredom, Judgment, Shame, Guilt, Loneliness, Sorrow, Depression, Anger, Fear, Sadness, Jealousy, etc. etc. etc. Because they only exist in thought. We spend most of our mental time lost in one of two processes: either rehashing the past, or rehearsing for the future.

THINK ABOUT THIS: It's impossible to think about the present. Thinking takes time and in the time it takes to have a thought, what you were thinking about has already become the past!